Home Exercise Program after Knee Arthroscopy
Towel Roll under the Heel
Purpose: To maintain and improve your knee extension range of motion.
Perform this exercise if you are having trouble getting your knee straight
Lie on your back with your non-operated leg bent.
Place a rolled up towel (approximately 4 - 6 inches in diameter) under the heel of your operated leg (Figure 1a).
Let your operated leg straighten as much as possible.
Try to maintain this position for 3 - 5 minutes.
Ice can also be applied during this exercise (Figure 1b).
Figure 1aFigure 1b -
Isometric Quadriceps Strengthening (Quad Sets)
Purpose: To strengthen the quadriceps muscle.
Lie on your back with your non-operated knee bent.
Place a small towel roll underneath your operated knee (Figure 2).
Slowly tighten your thigh muscle (quadriceps) and push the back of your operated knee down into the towel roll.
Hold this contraction for 5 seconds then slowly release.
Rest for 10 seconds between each contraction.
Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, 3 times daily.
Note: A towel roll is placed underneath the knee for this exercise only.
Note: Do not hold your breath with any of these exercises.
Figure 2 -
Straight Leg Raise
Purpose: To strengthen the quadriceps muscles.
Lie on your back with your non-operated knee bent.
Bend your non-operated knee as shown. Gently tighten your stomach muscles, Gently tighten your thigh muscle (quadriceps) and slowly raise your operated legto the level of the opposite knee (Figure 3).
Your leg should remain straight throughout this exercise.
Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, 3 times daily
Note:If you have pain/discomfort with this exercise, stop and then try again each day until you can perform this exercise correctly and pain free
Figure 3 -
Seated Active Assisted Range of Motion Exercises Knee Flexion and Knee Extension
Purpose: To help improve motion and strengthen your knee.
Sit at the edge of the bed or a firm surface.
Support your operated leg with your non-operated leg.
Gently allow your operated leg to bend by supporting it and gently lowering it with assistance of the non-operated leg. (Figure 4a)
Slowly remove your non-operated leg from behind your operated leg and let your operated leg dangle as tolerated.
Now, actively bend your operated leg until you feel a stretch (NO PAIN) and hold for 5 seconds. (Figure 4b)
Now take your non-operated leg and place it in front of your operated leg.
Bend your operated leg with the assistance of the non-operated leg. (Figure 4c)
Now extend your operated leg all the way back up, using the non-operated leg for assistance. (Figure 4d)
Bend your operated leg with the assistance of the non-operated leg. (Figure 4c)
Now extend your operated leg all the way back up, using the non-operated leg for assistance. (Figure 4d)
Perform 3 sets of 5 repetitions, 3 times daily. Everyday.
Red band indicates operated leg
Figure 4aFigure 4bFigure 4cFigure 4d